Holiday Island Presbyterian Church

111 Valley Drive, Holiday Island, Arkansas 72631
Mailing address:  P.O. Box 3095

Sunday Service at 9:00 AM

Giving Project Events

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Annual Spaghetti Dinner

Holiday Island Presbyterian Church‘s Annual Spaghetti Dinner is held  yearly since 2002. We serve up to 400 people.  Each year a  non-profit organization  in our community is selected to received the  proceeds. 

The non-profits we have chosen to help in the past include:

Ice Cream Social

This is a yearly event that we offer  to our community at no cost

Knit Knackers

Knit Kackers is a group of our members who meet and knit, crochet, sew  baby items which are donated to Grandmas House.

School Supplies

School supplies are collected for the local schools